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What makes Kreya a good Bruno alternative

Bruno was created in response to some popular API testing tools, mainly Insomnia and Postman, which suddenly required accounts and made other unpopular changes. This was also one of the reasons of why Kreya was created.

Here is why Kreya is a good Bruno alternative and why you should consider switching from Bruno to Kreya.

Kreya vs Bruno comparison: What are the differences?


Feature / topicBrunoKreya
Reusing authentication
Directory settings
REST support
gRPC support
WebSocket support
HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
REST path params
Scripting and testing
Repeated API import
Auto save
Storing data locally
Free plan
Paid plan

Project maturity

Bruno is a relatively new API client and it shows. A lot of features are not yet completely polished and contain some bugs. Some more niche features, such as REST path params, are even missing. Quality of life features, for example auto save of requests or an auto updater, are not yet implemented.

As Kreya exists for longer, it is more mature. Less bugs exists and support for niche features has been added.

No gRPC support

Bruno is mainly a testing client for REST. It does not support gRPC yet. Grpc seems to be on the roadmap, albeit as a paid feature.

In contrast, Kreya is probably the best GUI client for testing gRPC APIs.

Missing HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 support

Similar to Postman, Bruno only supports HTTP/1.1. Kreya on the other hand supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and even HTTP/3.

Repeated API import

An unique feature of Kreya is the ability to repeatedly import API definitions, called "import streams". Users are able to import OpenAPI definitions (REST), protobuf files (gRPC) or use gRPC server reflection.

If the API changed since the last import, users can simply refresh the API definition and Kreya recognizes these changes. New operations will automatically be created and deleted operations are highlighted. Users no longer need to manually create operations to match the API, Kreya takes care of this.