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Getting Started

Follow these steps to call your first API using Kreya.

Download and install Kreya

You can download Kreya by visiting the download page.


Download the zip file and extract it. Drag the file into your Applications folder.


Download the MSI file and run it, which should automatically install Kreya. Should you receive a Windows Defender Smart Screen warning, click on "More info" and then "Run anyway". This may happen because Windows doesn't trust the Kreya code signature enough yet.

Kreya uses Microsoft Edge WebView2, which will be installed when you run the MSI (if it is not already installed).


The simplest option to install Kreya on Linux is via Snapcraft. Head over to, select your Linux distribution and follow the guide.

Alternatively, you may install Kreya by downloading the tarball. Note that both libgtk-3 and libwebkit2gtk-4.0 dependencies are required. Install them manually if they aren't present on your system.

Using the example project

If you just want to try Kreya a bit, the example project is a good start. Just select it and it will be cloned to your disk.

To send your first request, select an operation in the list and simply hit 'Send'. That's it! You already made your first API call with Kreya.

Manually creating a project

If you want to create your own project, launch Kreya and click the Create project... button, after which you will see the following dialog:

  1. Since Kreya is file-based, you need to select a location for the Kreya project.
  2. Choose a name for your project.
  3. Enter the directory name. It will be created inside the directory you chose in step 1. All project files will be stored inside this directory.
  4. Ensure that the full path of the project matches your intentions.
  5. By clicking Create, Kreya creates and opens the project.

For gRPC: Adding protobuf definitions

If you to use gRPC, select "gRPC" in the first step.

To create gRPC requests, you need to add protobuf definitions, otherwise Kreya cannot know the available services and request/response types. You can do this via the initial project setup screen or later by adding an Importer if you choose to skip this step.

Select an importer type, enter the necessary information and click 'Next'. If you want to try Kreya and you don't have any protobuf files at hand, enter Kreya will automatically generate an operation for each service method of your gRPC service.

In the following screen, enter the API URL which will be prefilled for all operations.

For REST: Adding OpenAPI definitions

If you do not want to use REST or do not have an OpenAPI definition at hand, skip this step. You can always add an Importer later on.

Select an importer type, enter the necessary information and click 'Next'. If you want to try Kreya and you don't have any OpenAPI definitions at hand, enter Kreya will automatically generate operations for your REST service.

In the following screen, enter the API URL which will be prefilled for all operations.

Sending your first request

All done! If necessary, click on the settings tab and enter your service URL in the Endpoint input field. Then, send your first operation by clicking on the 'Send' button.

Good to know

Kreya has a range of features that make your life easier. Be sure to try out the Environment, Authentication, Default Settings and all the other features!