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With the templating feature, you can insert environment values almost everywhere inside Kreya.

List of features that support templating:

  • Authentication
  • Default settings
  • Certificates
  • gRPC metadata
  • gRPC requests
  • gRPC endpoint
  • gRPC server reflection endpoint
  • REST headers
  • REST requests
  • REST endpoint
  • REST importers
  • WebSocket headers
  • WebSocket requests
  • WebSocket endpoint

Templating language

Kreya uses Scriban as its templating language. Usually, only variables are used, such as {{ env.endpoint }}. However, Scriban supports more complex features.

Take a look at the Scriban language guide and built in functions.

Kreya environment data

The active kreya environment can be accessed by the env Scriban object: {{ env.myProperty }}.


Starting with Kreya 1.7, directly referencing environment variables (ex. {{ endpoint }}) has been deprecated. Please use the env object to reference environment variables, for example {{ env.endpoint }}.

Generating fake data

In addition to the default Scriban features, Kreya also implements Bogus to allow fake data generation. For example, using

I am {{ }}

will result in a random name:

I am Jazlyn Gorczany

Referencing user variables Pro / Enterprise

User variables can be set via scripting. If you set a user variable via scripting

kreya.variables.set('my_variable', 12345);

it can be referenced via templating:

My variable contains {{ vars.my_variable }}

Referencing authentication configurations

Should you need to send authentication tokens via custom headers, in the request body or elsewhere, simply reference your existing authentication configurations. For example, if you have a basic authentication configuration called "My Auth":

The value of {{ }} is {{ auth.configs.my_auth.value }}

If you also need the "authentication prefix" (Basic, Bearer, ...), use prefixed_value instead of value.