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GitLab CI/CD

The Kreya CLI can be used in GitLab CI/CD to automatically test APIs:

- test

stage: test
image: riok/kreyac:latest
- kreyac info
- kreyac environment set-active Production
- kreyac operation invoke "REST/Get books.krop" # invoke a single REST operation by name
- kreyac operation invoke "gRPC/Say hello.krop" # invoke a single gRPC operation by name
- kreyac operation invoke "WebSocket/Echo.krop" # invoke a single WebSocket operation by name
- kreyac collection invoke "Kreya features/Collection/Collection.krcol" --test-report-junit junit.xml # invoke a collection and generate a JUnit report
# include JUnit report output
when: always
- junit.xml
junit: junit.xml

Secrets can be stored as CI/CD variables prefixed with KREYA_ENV_. Environment variables prefixed with KREYA_ENV_ are imported into the active Kreya environment with the prefix stripped. See also process environment data.